How to get there
Follow the path hereunder to get to the AEMP API configuration
Caution! Depending on your role on Fleet Management you might not see all the elements shown in this page content.
What is it about
For those who are unfamiliar with the AEMP, the AEMP is an ISO standard (ISO/TS 15143-3). It is a data schema for data transmitted directly from the equipment manufacturer or provider to the equipment owner in a standardized format for the use and convenience of equipment owners with mixed fleets of equipment.
In this section you can enable the AEMP outbound for any user under your management. It will allow you to do the requests for this user on a third-party telematics portal.
Nota bene: you can enable users only if your role on Fleet Management is Dealer Administrator or Customer Manager.
To do the API request, you will also find in this section the URLs.
Tools recap
Welcome to the Multifleets API AEMP landing page.
1 Between brackets you have the total of users you can see in this page.
2 Use the search bar to search quickly for a specific user.
3 Click "View info" to get a short description and the URL for each API request
4 Click edit to enable users. Check on the next paragraph hereunder to know more!
Enable users
Nothing's easier than enabling one user for the AEMP API.
Click on the pen icon next to the user you want to enabled as shown in the paragraph above.
1 A right hand side slide panel will come out.
2 Flag enabled...
3 ...and then click "Save".
That's it!